----------------------------------------------- GIF2LBM, GIF2PAL convertor Version 1.1 Designed to be used with Themie Gouthas' XLIB. Written by Daniel Jacob Hatadi Email: djh@newt.phys.unsw.edu.au s2104152@cs.unsw.oz.au fester@jolt.mpx.com.au (someone else's account, but I'll get it) ----------------------------------------------- GIF2LBM is a *very* simple bitmap converter. It converts plain 256 colour GIFs to the LBM format used with Themie Gouthas' XLIB. It also saves the palette separately in a *.PAL file. The GIFs must have dimensions no greater than 255 x 255. This is because of the limitations of the LBM format. Also, if you want to then convert the LBMs to PBMs, the width must be divisible by four. As I said, this is a *very* simple converter. It doesn't do much in the way of checking, and the wildcards are a bit funny. (if you type GIF2LBM *, then it will do nothing, so you should type GIF2LBM *.GIF). The idea with GIF2LBM is to use it to convert small GIFs into LBMs and PAL files. Then, to make these files useable in XLIB, just use the LBM2PBM executable. I've added this executable to the ZIP archive with its source code. I've also included my own source code, and an example TurboC 3.0 project file. To compile the program, you will need XLIB06.ZIP, or some other version of XLIB. Anyway, you'll figure it out if you want to. But why bother? Daniel Hatadi 16/8/94 REVISIONS 1.1 16/8/94 First bug report (someone's used the thing!) Fixed some minor memory related bugs. 1.0 2/11/93 First released. Nothing special. Hope someone uses it.